10 tips for the perfect internship

Are you interested in being an intern next summer and you’re searching for a job at an innovative company?

Yeah, I’ve had the same problem. I’m Florian (16) and I’m attending the BRG Viktring in Klagenfurt. This summer, I wanted to use my school holidays and do an internship. I’ve been interested in marketing and advertising strategies for a long time. I’ve asked myself many times, “why does an advertising spot look the way it does or why does a company use a specific slogan etc.” So, I was excited to get an internship in the marketing department at Anexia. I didn’t know what to expect, but it’s worth trying!

But why and what is Anexia? Anexia develops apps and other technical deliverables for their customers and provides managed hosting services. Managed What? I didn’t know that either. But it’s getting better.

My internship at Anexia is my first working experience and I’ve hit the jackpot! I love working here. If you’re searching for an internship in the immediate future, my experiences below will help.


1. An appropriate desktop

If you don’t like siting in front of three Full HD monitors, this isn’t the right job for you. Furthermore, you need enough space and, in the perfect case, a comfortable office chair. At Anexia, they provide the perfect workstation with a huge and comfortable office chair with a neck-rest!


2. Fun

Your work should be fun – you need to have fun with your colleagues. A relaxed environment in the company is beneficial for productivity.


3. Snack-bar and fridge

No matter if you’re hungry or thirsty, need an energy drink, coke, chocolate or peanuts… if there’s a snack bar and a filled fridge with cool drinks, work is much easier.


4. Rooftop terrace

There’s nothing like relaxing during lunch time with an amazing view. Anexia uses the rooftop on the 7th floor for birthday celebrations, delicious cakes, great memories – I love it.


5. Night owls working schedule

Are you awake past midnight? Anexia might be the right place for you. The working day starts at 9 am, you have enough time to get enough rest in the morning.


6. Freedom

It’s very important, that you aren’t restricted as intern. Not meaning, “Do whatever you want!” rather, that others help and show you how it should be done. In an ideal case you can bring your own ideas in and give free rein to your creativity.


7. Time to discover and learn

For an intern, everything is new. What is the company selling? How does the ‘office work? What are my duties? And what does http actually mean? An internship is provided to learn. Learning takes time and it’s a big help if colleagues give you that time and are willing to explain. At Anexia, you get all the help that’s needed for you to grow.


8. Responsibility

Even if it’s just a small task, it’s a good feeling to be responsible for something. Even if it’s just a package with advertising material that you have to wrap: I’m responsible for the task, I have to do it. These responsibilities grow and grow, but learning how to deal with them is important – Anexia has helped me in this regard.


9. Tabletop soccer

What’s the best way to take a break from your workstation? There’s no doubt: tabletop soccer! If a company doesn’t provide a tabletop soccer unit, then this is the wrong company for your internship.

Our score:

Games played: 15

Won by team Benji/Daniel: 13

Won by team Erich/Florian: 2 unfortunately..



10. Tasks

Last but not least, the most important point for me is the right amount of tasks. Of course, you don’t want to work on endless tasks. Nor do you want to be sitting around and checking Snapchat all day long, only because there’s nothing to do. In my opinion, that’s horrible. Nothing is worse than an internship where you’re bored and not challenged.

From my experience, I love that my tasks change: I have to pack packages, write texts, correct them or do some shopping for the office.



It’s very important that a company where you would like to pass your internship, is one that fits you and your needs.

Would you pass an internship for a technology leader like Anexia? Anexia provides these opportunities for interns in Klagenfurt and Vienna. Get more information here.

Oh yeah, about managed hosting… Any website or software that needs to be accessed by the public, must be hosted on servers. Managed hosting is like assisted living for servers. If you want to know more, check this out.

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