Anexia was awarded the special award “Green Technologies – R&D for the Future” for the “Anexia Rail” project on May 15, 2024. The Innovation and Research Award is the highest award presented annually by the Carinthian Economic Promotion Fund (Kärntner Wirtschaftsförderungs Fonds – KWF) on behalf of Carinthia in the field of research and development. The award is awarded in three categories, depending on the size of the company, as well as a special award.
“Anexia Rail” impressed the expert jury, chaired by Birgit Tauber from the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (Österreichischen Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft). Both the research results achieved and the broad applicability and scalability of the models and algorithms developed stood out. The Innovation and Research Award was presented by Governor Peter Kaiser, Deputy Governor Gaby Schaunig, Provincial Councillor Sebastian Schuschnig and KWF-Board Member Roland Waldner. “This is a great award for our company and our rail team,” says Alexander Windbichler, founder and CEO of Anexia. “The project demonstrates the potential of intelligent, data-based solutions to support complex planning processes. The commitment and expertise of the project team as well as the long-term and trusting cooperation with Austrian Federal Railways (Österreichische Bundesbahnen – ÖBB) are two of the key success factors here.“
“Anexia Rail” makes ÖBB more ecological
In recent decades the complexity of the rail system has increased significantly. And is no longer manageable in its entirety, even by the best planners. This results in optimization potential, which is used within the framework of “Anexia Rail” in order to further increase the attractiveness of rail as a transport medium and reduce its ecological footprint. The largely sequential and partially manual logistics and personnel planning is gradually being transformed into integrated and partially automated planning. “I am particularly pleased that the optimization models and algorithms developed over the years with ÖBB and the University of Klagenfurt are now supporting planners in their daily work,” says Philipp Hungerländer, Head of Innovation at Anexia. “This makes one of the most climate-friendly modes of transport even more ecological and competitive.”
Anexia was awarded the Innovation and Research Prize of Carinthia for the “Anexia Drive” project back in 2022. Click here for the blog post.