Jean-Claude Madin Cerezo – Full-Time Anexian and Professional Football Player

At a time when working from home and flexible working models are becoming increasingly important, Anexian Jean-Claude, called JC – for short, demonstrates an incredible success story. As Supply Chain Manager at Anexia and a professional athlete in the European football league at the same time, the 31-year-old masters the challenge of managing his career and his passion for sport.

The journey to Anexia

JC’s journey at Anexia began in an unusual way. After an internship at a parcel service in Germany, he met Sascha Sauer, now Head of Logistics at Anexia, who later offered him a trainee position in Austria. JC worked in Vienna for two years before pursuing other career paths. But Sascha Sauer remembered JC and brought him to Anexia, where he now works as Supply Chain Manager.

“I mainly take care of the Delivery project and optimize internal structures and processes,” explains JC. Despite being based in Hamburg, he works closely with the team in Klagenfurt and visits them regularly to help out on site.

Efficiency working remotely

The logistics industry has changed enormously in recent years, and JC is a great example of how virtual and efficient modern logistics can be. “Logistics is not just physical,” he emphasizes. Obtaining quotes, determining the best prices and qualities, developing processes – all of this can be done online.

JC still appreciates the personal contact and is happy to work on site in Klagenfurt. “It’s a good mix, although most of the work is done remotely,” he says.

Passion for football

Even as a child, JC was enthusiastic about sport, inspired by the rugby matches he watched with his aunt in New Zealand. His path finally led him to football. After an exchange year in New Zealand, where he played rugby, JC found his first football team in Hamburg.

His sporting career is impressive: from the Hamburg Young Huskies to a college scholarship in Mexico and the USA to the Kiel Baltic Hurricanes and the Hamburg Sea Devils. He currently plays for the Madrid Bravos in the European League of Football. “Any body type can play football. That’s the cool thing about this sport,” enthuses JC.

JC’s daily routine is strictly planned. He starts early at 6.30 am, 7 am at the latest, goes for a walk with the dog, trains before work, looks after his children and works from home for most of the day. Meetings and intensive training sessions follow in the evening. “Football is not like soccer. There’s a lot going on around it: meetings, video analysis and strategic preparations,” he explains. The day usually ends for him at around 10 pm. There is also a game every weekend, which sometimes has to be traveled to by plane.

© Madrid Bravos

Despite his busy schedule, JC finds time for his family and is very appreciative of the support of his wife and family. “None of this would be possible without their support,” he admits. The flexible working hours at Anexia also help him to perform his professional sport at this level. “It’s cool that I can combine this very well with work. It’s not like we only work from 9 am to 5 pm. If it is suitable, you can also work two hours before or a little later,” says JC.

Move to Madrid

JC, who originally lives in Hamburg, took the opportunity to play professionally for the Madrid Bravos and moved to Spain with the whole family immediately. “I loaded up my car, took my dog with me and threw all our stuff into the trailer. Of course, I also took my motorcycle down with me.”

On the way to Madrid, he made a short stopover in Paris. “We had a few servers in Paris that still needed to be packed. So I made a stopover in Paris and was then allowed to physically help out,” says the Anexian.

Tips for working from home

JC has some useful tips for those working from home: “Regular contact with colleagues, ideally via video, helps a lot. It’s important not only to talk about work, but also to have face-to-face conversations.” These small changes help to strengthen team spirit and overcome the isolation of the home office.

Visions for the future

JC has precise goals. Professionally, he wants to further develop logistics at Anexia, automate processes and create a very good customer experience. In terms of sport, he sees the end of his active career approaching due to growing family commitments. “It probably won’t last much longer, unfortunately,” he regrets.

JC’s story is an inspiring example of the successful combination of profession and passion. His discipline, organizational talent and passion for football make him a valuable colleague and team player. “I believe that the more disciplined you are, the more successful you are,” he says. This attitude has taken him far not only in sport, but also in his career. JC is a role model for many who want to balance their career and passion. He also advises that a good balance and targeted rest periods, when neither playing football nor working, are the be-all and end-all of this workload.

We are eagerly following his season with the Madrid Bravos and are keeping our fingers crossed for him. You are also welcome to take a look at our job vacancies:

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