Attacks have been increasing in number and technical sophistication for many years.
The overall goal of the NIS2 directive is to raise cybersecurity to a new level across the EU.
Anexia was again represented at the 2023 Technicus Award as a sponsor and with CEO Alexander Windbichler as a jury member.
The dark side of the cloud: Why the US Cloud Act threatens the data sovereignty of European cloud users.
Anexia, in cooperation with the Höhere Technische Bundeslehranstalt HTL Mössingerstraße, asked two high school graduates to write a thesis on the topic AutoPi.
The expansion of our server locations in the Asia-Pacific region is progressing rapidly.
What you should know about cloud computing. All the answers to the most important questions about cloud computing.
Just a few steps to more flexibility and scalability.
PaaS is an attractive option for companies that rely on cloud computing without having to manage their own IT infrastructure.