Development and Managed Hosting

What is IT Governance?

Written on August 25, 2022 by Michael Hiess

IT governance is the process of managing information technology in an organization. It includes managing and overseeing all IT-related activities and developing and implementing policies and procedures. Without IT governance, organizations would not be able to effectively manage their IT resources and consistently protect themselves from cyberattacks.

The goal of IT governance is to create a regulatory framework that integrates IT with business strategy. The aim is to ensure that IT is used strategically and according to plan so that the company’s goals can be achieved in the best possible way. The fundamental goal of IT governance is to reduce the risks of information technology while increasing the value of a company.

Was ist IT-Governance


Benefits of IT Governance

IT governance can help organizations improve efficiency, effectiveness, and agility while reducing costs and making better decisions. IT governance also helps with risk management and regulatory compliance. Perhaps the most important benefit is that it helps organizations avoid costly mistakes and ensure that IT resources are deployed and used effectively. IT governance can also help improve communication and collaboration between different departments and increase transparency and accountability. Further, IT governance helps protect against data breaches.


Challenges of IT governance

One difficulty is getting every employee of an organization to support IT governance, especially if the concept is not understood by all. Another problem is that IT governance requires a lot of planning and collaboration. Finally, it can be difficult to keep up with the ever-changing landscape of information technology. Despite these challenges, IT governance is an essential component for any organization that relies on information technology. Once organizations understand the benefits IT governance brings and how it can be used, businesses can benefit in more ways than one.


The core areas of IT governance

Organizations need to track and manage their IT assets to ensure they are used effectively and efficiently. IT governance ensures that an organization’s IT assets are managed to maximize their value and align with the organization’s business objectives.

Asset management includes both physical assets, such as servers and network equipment, and intangible assets, such as software licenses and data. There are three core areas of IT governance: asset management, configuration management, and change management.

IT-Governance Asset Management

IT Asset Management

IT asset management includes processes for tracking, managing, and disposing of assets. This includes procedures to ensure that asset data is accurate and up to date. Asset management is an important part of IT governance because it helps organizations optimize the use of their resources and minimize risk.

IT-Governance Konfigurationsmanagement

Configuration management

Configuration management includes processes for tracking, managing, and approving changes to IT systems. Configuration management is an essential part of IT governance because it helps organizations control the risks associated with changes to their systems.

IT-Governance Aenderungsmanagement

Change Management

Change management includes processes for requesting, approving, evaluating, implementing, and controlling changes to manage the risks associated with the changes.

Change requests can be made by anyone who has a change requirement. Once a change request is received, it must be evaluated to determine if implementation is appropriate. Evaluation criteria include, but are not limited to, the impact of the change, the associated risks, and the cost of implementation. Once a change is approved, it must be implemented. Implementation includes tasks such as testing, deploying, and documenting the change.


IT-Governance Cybersicherheit


Cybersecurity includes processes and technologies to protect data, applications, and devices from attack, damage, or unauthorized access. Cybersecurity is an essential part of IT governance, as it helps organizations protect their systems from potentially harmful attacks.

Some common cybersecurity measures include:

  • Firewalls: this refers to specialized hardware that monitors networks and protects them from unauthorized digital access.
  • Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems: These are used to detect and prevent intruders from attempting to hack out or bypass log-in access points.
  • Data Encryption: Encryption is the process of converting data so that it cannot be read or decrypted by unauthorized individuals.
  • Access control: Access control systems restrict physical access to computer systems to authorized users only.

IT-Governance Datenverwaltung

Data management

Data management includes processes for securing data, ensuring data integrity and security. Data management helps organizations protect their data from loss or corruption.

Some common data management practices include data backup and data recovery.

  • Data Backup: Data Backup involves copying all data to a secondary storage location. Full backups, differential backups, or incremental backups can be used to minimize the difference between the current data and the backup.
  • Data recovery: Data recovery is the process of restoring lost or damaged data from the most recent backup.
  • Data security: Is the process that protects data from unauthorized access.

IT-Governance Wiederherstellung im Katastrophenfall

Disaster recovery planning

A disaster can be any event that causes damage to systems or data. Disaster recovery planning is an important part of IT governance because it helps organizations ensure they can survive disasters as unscathed as possible.

Some common disaster recovery measures are:

  • Backup, restore and recovery systems are designed to create ongoing copies of data that are used to fully recover from a disaster.
  • Business continuity planning: provisions are made to ensure that the business can resume operations in the shortest possible time after a disaster.
  • Disaster recovery testing: Based on the disaster recovery plans, recovery tests are performed to ensure that the recovery of the data works properly as planned.

IT-Governance Governance-Rahmen

IT Governance Framework

The IT Governance Framework is a set of policies and procedures that help organizations manage their IT systems by providing a structure for managing IT systems.

Some common elements of the IT governance framework are:

  • IT Policy: IT policy is a document that describes how an organization will manage its IT systems.
  • IT Procedure: The IT procedure document describes how an organization implements its IT policy.
  • IT standard: This describes the minimum requirements for an organization’s IT systems.

IT-Governance IT-Dienstleistungsmanagement

IT service management

This includes processes for planning, designing, and delivering IT services to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of IT systems.

Some common elements of IT service management are:

  • Service-Level Agreement: The service-level agreement is a document that describes the expectations of an IT service.
  • Service Catalog: The service catalog is a document that lists all the IT services that an organization provides.
  • Change management: Change management is the process of managing changes to IT systems.


IT-Governance Prozessverbesserung

Process Improvement

Process improvement is the modification of processes to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of IT systems.

Some common process improvement methods are:

  • Six Sigma (6σ): The term Six Sigma (6σ) refers to a management approach to process improvement, a statistical quality objective, and a quality assurance method. The fundamental component of Six Sigma is the description, measurement, analysis, improvement, and monitoring of processes using statistical techniques. The objective of Six Sigma efforts is to increase the company’s profit margin.
  • Lean Management: The main goal of Lean Management is to integrate all processes and activities in such a way that any waste along the value chain is avoided. By integrating personnel into the lean management corporate ideology, employee motivation can be improved in a targeted manner. Customers also benefit from process optimization and the possible elimination of waste, as products and services can be offered at a lower price as a result. Lean management helps organizations to make optimum use of their resources and minimize risks.
  • Process Mapping: This involves creating a diagram of a process to see how the process works in detail. This method makes it easier to identify areas for improvement.

All these process improvement methods can help organizations improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their IT systems.


The difference between IT governance and corporate governance

IT governance is the process of managing and controlling an organization’s IT infrastructure. Corporate governance is the process of managing and controlling an organization as a whole. Both processes are important to the success of an organization but have different focuses. IT governance focuses on managing IT resources, while corporate governance focuses on managing the whole organization.