The infrastructure update affects Anexia’s approximately 100 server locations, which are gradually being converted to Blueprint.
In this interview Head of HR Alex tells us what’s most important to him in an employer and what he appreciates about our CEO.
Justin has spent his third consecutive summer interning at Anexia and shares his experiences in this interview.
There are around 215 different apprenticeships in Austria. With some tips apprentice Melina would like to help you to choose the right apprenticeship.
You want to know why Hex got awarded at the VCÖ Mobility Price? Here you can read more about the award and the project.
Christoph Slamanig has been working as a developer at Anexia for 10 years. In this interview he looks back on the last years and tells about his current tasks.
An apprenticeship with a toddler? That’s usually out of the question for young mothers. How I find my way as a full-time mom and apprentice, I would like to tell here.
Within the framework of Anexia’s certification strategy, the next milestone was successfully passed with the ISAE 3402 certification.
The Technicus Award was organized by the alumni club of HTL Mössingerstraße to promote creative students. We were very pleased to be a part of the event.
On June 30, 2021, Anexia received the Ö-Cloud quality seal as one of the first Austrian companies to do so.