In the IT Trends for 2018, our Anexia experts will attempt to give an overview of everything set to happen this year.
Clothes define people. In this blog post we’d like to present to you 5 office styles with our Anexia T-Shirt.
2017 has been an exciting and fascinating year and there have also been some changes at Anexia. All this has only been possible with your help!
When do you get a chance to hold an interview and meet other apprentices? In this blog post trainee Chrisi talks about her apprentice competition.
In this post, I’d like to show you how you can get back control on your website porject with the Device Toolbar in the Google Chrome DevTools.
In this #joinourrevolution interview, Manuel explains why his dream was to become a software developer at Anexia and what he likes about writing tutorials.
In this post, we’ll answer the following questions: What is an SSL certificate? Why do I need an SSL certificate? Where can I get an SSL certificate?
We had the pleasure of welcoming a group from one of the digital competence workshops of the Frauenberufszentrum into our headquarters in Klagenfurt.
Animals reduce stress and improve health. Therefor, at Anexia, every day is a bring-your-dog-to-work-day. In this post we want to introduce our office dogs.
What is managed hosting? What types are available? What are the advantages and what does it cost? That is what we intend to explain in this review article.